Two new crutches and two double shots of Bushmills Irish Whiskey enabled Joe Faherty to move from the back seat of Moira Murphy’s 1976 Buick into Eagan’s Funeral Home for Tim McGillicud...
It’s not the same as seeing the po… in Bangladesh on PBS and hearing Gwen or Judy tell us about them b… the poor in Bangladesh scream in s… brown and gaunt and hollow-eyed.
Dylann Roof defended himself in the sentencing phase of his tri… after he was convicted of killing nine people during a Bible study, the nine people who welcomed him
Someday you’ll be in bed dying like I am now and people you love and some you don’t will come by to say good-bye. They don’t know what to say because we’re all amat…
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
Beautiful lady in the checkout lan… is spotted by Roscoe, a wealthy ma… wandering in Walmart. He admires her chocolate hair, bonbon eyes, vanilla creme complexion, a walk
I started reading the paper early in grammar school to find the sports scores. It was fun for a child hoping to play
Phone rings. Wilbur answers it. “This is Grace. Is Thelma there?… “No,” says Wilbur. “She’s out won… “You mean wandering about?” ‘No, she used to wander about. No…
Jill’s assignment as a new reporter was to interview an old bell ringer standing next to a red kettle outside a Walmart. Her editor had told her the man has been ringing the bell every ...
I will no longer feed the birds on the front porch as I do daily autumn through winter when I go out at dawn to get the paper on the lawn and spread seed on
The stench came first, the young man remembers. It was as if someone had grabbed him by the ankles, turned him upside down
In the glow of the porch light one moth a final fandango nowhere to go
It’s not de rigueur to believe he’s there behind the sun, the stars, the moon watching us
After all the tests and the doctor’s explanation she thinks of them not as 20 points of cancer but as 20 rusty nails
Gramps knows a minister who collects classic Corvettes. He rents another garage whenever he buys another Corvette. He says his estate will sell the c…