Phil doesn’t go to church but after midnight he enjoys watching preachers on TV swing their bibles in the air, march across the stage, yell
He tried so hard to be everybody’s friend, agreed with everything we said. Some of us liked him, others were indifferent,
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
how does one handle nude on the beach extremities starfished almost asleep how does one handle
Sometimes she sits there and listens to him. Sometimes he sits there and listens to her. Sometimes they know
Through the window I see the sun fire up for the last time today. There are jays in the trees near the meadow,
It took awhile to find Osama. It will take awhile to find the Briton with his knife in the desert of Iraq. They may bring him back
Farmer John knows he’s old but didn’t think he was that old until he went to town one day and met a young lady he liked as much as he likes the corn
Tattoos were anathema in ‘52 on any man who got one after an all-night drunk or to impress a girlfriend. But not a word was spoken to
Some women use perfume and that’s fine. Some don’t and that’s fine too. Over the years
The priest had been here earlier a… and relatives and friends in singl… “Sorry for your troubles,” one by… bending over Maggie Murphy, silen… a foot or so from Paddy, resplende…
We are to each other now many decades later what we were the day we got married, a couple at the kitchen table on
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
Sometimes a person can go too far, Mickey said, two stools over downing another beer,
Sometimes you sit for days sucking yourself in praying the right words will fall in your ear toboggan over the whorls