I have a new email address. Old one may work for awhile but like life, it can stop at any time… One problem so far. This new address sends emails
In 1920 he came on a boat from Ireland and found his way through Ellis Island. He found a room in a boarding house
Snow on Christmas Day. As I walk out with bird seed birds cry Santa’s here. Donal Mahoney
He’s a vet from Vietnam who won’t say much about what happened over there except to say his problem began with Agent Orange,
Magnificent animal Harambe, the Silverback gorilla killed at t… Lovely child, the three-year-old w… jumped in Harambe’s den. The mother took her son to the zoo
More than 30 years ago the Supreme Court in the United States ruled that if individuals are mentally ill but not criminally insane they cannot be confined to asylums. They must be allow...
Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
Old Sol hires young Abdul, a refugee, to cut his grass and we… Saul tells his neighbor Old Paddy young Abdul does a good job and has a wife and three kids
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
Young hummingbird swirls and darts to the red feeder. Black cat waits below. Donal Mahoney
It’s time to leave the man alone. He’s getting old, his wife says. He’s really slowing down. He’s always been a man occupied with one thing
He remembers loving her lost in an orchard peaches, pears, apricots falling on his head every day
Third day on her honeymoon Sharon asks Butch what it’s like for a man before he gets married. A bricklayer by trade, and a man of few words,
A lovely neighborhood this Sunday afternoon is rocked again by random gunshots. The shots make Bertha wonder, as she sips tea in her old rocker,