They were refugees, too, back in the Forties, settled in Chicago, learned English, some a lot, some a little,
Your life as explained in your letter recently received is very difficult to read. It’s been 40 years since we last saw each other or talked. Most of your problems I knew nothing about....
The older I get the more I realiz… the importance of getting things d… before your mother announces anoth… assignment to roust me from my ham… As you know I’ve never been much
Grandma Gretchen’s in her rocker and she has something to say. She tells a visitor, a young man from the city, if he plans to write a book about life on a farm in the Fifties, he likely...
Cookies for George, 40 years back from Viet Nam, are the only payment the man will accept to mow your lawn,
Fifty years ago Jane got on a plane and flew away without saying good-bye. Her parents took her, I know.
Young hummingbird swirls and darts to the red feeder. Black cat waits below. Donal Mahoney
Millie on crutches in the day room tells Fred on his walker to find him.
Praise for Him coming from us is like the bark of a terrier at the foot of his master
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having
Cold Coffee they call him and only a few people know his real name, this odd fellow who raises pigs off the coast of Ireland and comes to town
Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
I turn the porch light on because it’s dark when I go out to find the morning paper. It’s still dark when I start back but when I’m on the porch I reach
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers
We write the stories of our lives between the bookends of birth and death They stay on the shelf