As autumn turns colder there’s only one moth fluttering at midnight around the porch light. He’s the last of the flock
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
I told my wife the other night when she came back to bed my feet were cold so now’s the time for me to tell her not to bury me or burn me
Some things can’t be fixed any other way says Bill in his bedroom on the third floor hoping to get some sleep
I saw Al once a month for 30 years, maybe more, doing business together. He retired to hunt bear in Alaska, hook Tarpon
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
It was an ancient city. All the young people left as soon as they could but the old remained in their mortgaged huts
As we know, sometimes we can see the big picture by peeking through a keyhole. And in America today perhaps we can see better the state of innocence among young children by looking at a...
In the paper this morning a woman in the suburbs complained she has to eat too much steak too often because her husband
“You live long enough and bad stuff happens,” Harry told Stella, slurping his coffee. “I’m 94 next week."
Dad, happy to see you’re taking a nap. I’m down at the pier so give me a shout when you wake up
For years Willie has saved his mo… investing it in stocks and bonds, waiting to sit in his recliner each quarter with a martini reviewing his profits.
He’s not among the quick and not among the dead. He’s somewhere in between he tells anyone who stops his wheelchair in the halls
I turn on the news to see who won the game last night but first the scores from hot spots in the city. Two people are killed