There’s nothing wrong with you. We both know this is true but there’s something wrong with m… and you know what that is. It’s the elephant in the room
I never think about bison. After all, I live in St. Louis, why should I? But when I went hunting for quail in Montana
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Oliver Jones, now gray and grizzl… cut the Miller’s lawn for years.… a victim of Agent Orange, Oliver’… almost as old as the Millers, his… Recently he’s left ridges and tuft…
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
Jack Bogan died last week, the la… of the Whippets, a garage band big in a small way back in the Sixties… The Whippets had a following in Chicago and its suburbs.
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
There are poems everywhere but you have to find them, a teacher told my class long ago. I was a kid sitting at a desk, cowlicks sprouting from my scalp,
“One stall for all” is a new scenario for Wilbur. Thanks to his wife, he knew in the past the right thing to do but now he doesn’t know what
Robin on the lawn. Three hops and stops to listen. Somewhere must be spring. Donal Mahoney
We’re equal we agree in the eyes of someone Fred says isn’t there and I say is and we agree
I can’t speak for the women attending this conference on Homeland Security. They’re scholars, too, brought here for their expertise.
Old Sam in Room 322 at the nursing home asked the nurse to push his bed near the window because in October he likes to watch the l…
If he were perfect he wouldn’t be Dan the Handyman, laying tile in crooked rows,
It’s a matter of beans, says Rosie, 79, legally blind, her fingers dancing across a Bible in braille, when a reporter asks her about