An odd bobcat my father was looked more like a Siamese asleep in his recliner
It’s not de rigueur to believe he’s there behind the sun, the stars, the moon watching us
Fred must explain Halloween to Op… when he gets home from the poker g… He just had another bad Halloween… He thinks Opal doesn’t know but E… from across the street called Opal
He lives in the attic of the brownstone down on the corner, been there for years. He’s seen twice a day
It’s time to stop the killing by order of the courts. Time to stop the injections
A poor man comes to the door after the storm last winter and asks if he can have something to eat if he shovels the walk. You say forget about the snow.
I never think about bison. After all, I live in St. Louis, why should I? But when I went hunting for quail in Montana
Remember, a blind man can see things a sighted man can’t… So I’ll tell you about her and th… you can tell me whether I’m right. The first time a man meets her,
Forty years Leroy was a doorman at a nice hotel in a big city. He was a country boy the day he got the job because he was tall and the uniform fit, the manager s…
You drive down the same country road every day at dawn and see through plumes of dust
When she leaves the room when will she be back When she leaves the house how long will she be gone When she must go out of town
When Fred was a boy, he heard his… talk about Grandpa going to town d… to sell the bounty of his harvest. On his farm he had eggs, butter an… vegetables and meat. He’d buy suga…
The nice thing about crossword puz… as an obsession, Phil tells Bill,… keep you away from other obsession… that might engage your attention a… benefit no one. For example
Easter Brunch is a big deal in the metropolis where Fred lives… Restaurants run their ads Ash Wednesday through Good Frida… Years ago brunch began at 11
Perhaps there should be a hard rock band called myasthenia gravis. A rare disease for which there is no cure, MG doesn’t kill anyone right away but unmanaged it’s hard to live with. In ...