Bill’s a conservative upset that Meals on Wheels and Medicaid face possible cuts in America’s budget. He yells to colleagues
The ancient man with raspberry hives on his cheeks since childhood will live alone
“You live long enough and bad stuff happens,” Harry told Stella, slurping his coffee. “I’m 94 next week."
Some things you can’t undo. A remark, perhaps, you can retract or try to with an explanation. But a certain look can burn forever in the mind
When Normal Norman takes his seat in Room 220 in Dumbach Hall to hear the eminent Dr. Engelhard… recite Beowulf again, Norman knows that he can suck
She walks the rack of bright frock… as her husband, an Angus aging, paws at the carpet behind her. She wants the right dress to make verdant again the hills
It’s midnight in New York and in this tall building Herb and Molly are in bed making love. Molly is a virgin
Old Tim drove 600 miles back home to his shed in the woods a month after burying his wife up north in the city where they me… more than 60 years ago.
Young hummingbird swirls and darts to the red feeder. Black cat waits below. Donal Mahoney
Larry and Bob have the same birth… Their friends at the Gathering Pl… where they plan to celebrate the y… Larry says his children will take… for a nice dinner and it will be g…
Jesse was a common man he never made a lot of money he had a troubled marriage. His wife left him for another man he never saw his kids again.
Leaves on a Japanese Maple dance auburn in the wind remind me of that mother crossing Michigan Avenue before the light changes
When Bill was a lad his parents preached that Scripture was the truth. Decades later now Bill still believes that.
Fred’s not a hunter but Animus is a beast he’d hunt down and kill and mount on his wall if he had a clear shot
Although we’ll never again be body to body or mind to mind, you and the place and the years are alive every night in the lette… I’ve stored in my room.