The poor are hungry in America. Their numbers would fill stadiums throughout this prosperous land. And feral cats are running wild, eating songbirds in our yards,
Virgil comes to group therapy every week in his pick-up truck with his dog, Buster, standing in the bed of the truck. The sessions are held for veterans of Korea and Vietnam. Quite a fe...
I like to watch master chefs on television do their thing. My favorite is Jacques Pépin when he has to chop an onion. No one chops an onion faster.
First leaves of autumn. Slow parachutes this morning almost at the curb. Donal Mahoney
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having
Forty years Leroy was a doorman at a nice hotel in a big city. He was a country boy the day he got the job because he was tall and the uniform fit, the manager s…
I get an email every day from a man I don’t know and doesn’t know me. Many people receive blind copies of his emails.
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
Heaven’s Sake or maybe Hell No. Even if we weigh a ton our body’s not a problem
You never know who’ll be there though folks are dying to get in. Then suddenly you’re at the door, hat in hand,
It will be a while before Fred’s hometown has its annual food drive, he told me. That’s an important event because it helps stock the pantry at the small charity where he volunteers. Ri...
“We had the other ones done there,… “Why not go there again? Everythi… No complications. Who cares about… Bunch of do-gooders with hidden ca… “I don’t care about the publicity,…
Summer evenings after the news at 6 p.m. the Widow Murphy comes out of her tiny bungalow and sits on her front porch swing
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...