A homeless man hangs himself from a tree at night in the city to close out the year. At dawn a passerby uses
Paul was at the office when the first atomic bomb fell and when Muntz TVs replaced console radios and the first man landed on the mo… He saw the first big computers tru…
Alive just one week, the Luna moth plastered to my screen door under porch light is pale green and beautiful.
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
Memories never go away. They’re visitors from yesterday arriving unannounced often to a mixed reception. Faces aren’t clear but
When my neighbor told me over the fence a month ago the doctor said she had two years to live,
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
July in the streets of Mexico City: One of the women one never would marry. One of the women one sees
A tractor trailer with slats and m… pulls up at a city slaughterhouse. The driver pulls the wrong lever and two thousand pounds of trotting cattle go for an easy
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
A woman was seated next to me as we waited for the debate to sta… The candidates were late taking th… She said she shouldn’t have come because she couldn’t vote for eith…
The story goes Pa met Ma in the city when he drove a truckload of pigs to market. She was the young waitress who served him cup after cup of coffee and gave him three eggs instead of ju...
Being poor on our patch of land was better than being poor all the years I’ve lived in the ci… We had a couple of cows, a rooster and seven hens.
I understand what you mean when you say you’re alone and hope someone rings your bell day or night but that’s not the case with me.