A gray summer day the sun is on vacation sunflowers hang their heads Donal Mahoney
A row of lilacs covered with a summer snow. Ten white butterflies.\ Donal Mahoney
Fred jerks back in his recliner as his wife puts him on the spot and asks his opinion about a dress she bought on sale at a fancy place for a great price…
In the summer of 1956, any Saturday at midnight when the moon was full and the stars were bright, you would see Grandma Groth
This was the first Christmas Billy was old enough to speak when he saw his gifts under the sparkling tree. His parents were waiting
I take my wife to dinner at a fancy place for us to talk about money because stocks have a virus and we should move
This Monarch butterfly dances from petal to petal red, yellow and orange sits for a while on each and then
They’ve been here for years two blue jays who live in our yard year round. In winter they’re silent at the feeder but screeching
If the greatest of these is charit… then tell me again why it’s gauche if this young man in a booth at a bar
Fuzzy wasn’t my cat although I fed him every morning at four o’clock for 10 years. He was my wife’s cat, loved to sit on her lap, be petted, jump down and rub his head against her feet....
The longer I live the greater Mar… compared with those who have tried… The man had integrity, guts, ideas… It was heartbreaking in the Sixti… filled with hope for change in Ame…
Sheep are by a goat while cattle are like swine, prodded, ye… cattle go by hammer while swine are by the hind leg hung then swung about to spigot.
Born at the foot of the mountain what will you do? You have time to decide but some die young.
They’re the oldest couple my wife and I know and we’re no pups either. Peter out for a walk leans on his cane often
This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day