Redbud and dogwood have blossomed above the tulips and jonquils wher… Alice’s house used to be. A possum and raccoon nose around where the garage was before the to…
That’s a very big tree and a boy scout could climb it with all the right gear. But it’s a condominium, too. You would disturb families.
It was an ancient city. All the young people left as soon as they could but the old remained in their mortgaged huts
Herb remembers when he was young he’d go to the doctor and complain about aches and pains and sniffles… Now he’s up in years and still goes to the doctor but never
A neighbor lady I hadn’t seen in a year I heard was bedridden. Her former husband dropped by, asked if I’d to take in her trash… when I brought in my own.
It tears the stomach out of Roy to see old folks shopping at an all-night grocery store ancient couples, on canes and walkers
I was out of control, spinning on the whirligig of youth, giddy to be caught in what Kerouac called “the whole mad swirl
On weekday mornings on a quiet corner three moms with small sons and daughters wait for a school bus
Martin, a very senior citizen, wants to get a bucket and knife and go hunt up some greens in a field in Alabama. But in spite of his yearnings for a big bowl of greens, he knows his wif...
I was just a boy but I remember Hitler at the start and how too few understood his plan to
Far away and long ago stuff happened in Gramps’ life that he’d like to forget but he can’t, even though he can’t always remember what he had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But anything...
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told his disciples.
A notice appeared in the paper recently with the names and faces of eight men who have a combined wealth of $426 billion. According to Oxfam International, in 2015 this would have equal...
Hearts are stopping faster than usual among people I know and people I don’t married to other people
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family