Donal Mahoney

Cold Coffee’s Back in Ireland

Cold Coffee they call him
and only a few people know
his real name, this odd fellow
who raises pigs off the coast
of Ireland and comes to town
bouncing in his horse and wagon
to buy supplies but not food
because he eats from the harvest
of his fields and a piglet now and then
that he can’t fatten up for market
to take with his sows and boars
that always bring a good price.
He’s been called Cold Coffee
for decades now because as a lad
he wanted to be as rich as Trump
and sailed in steerage to America
to make a wonderful fortune but
then sailed home in just a month.
Everybody would ask Cold Coffee
why he didn’t stay and all he would
ever say with his toothless smile was
he missed his sows and boars and
the only thing he got in America was
a demitasse of cold coffee.
Donal Mahoney

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