Two old men meet for coffee once a week at a diner while their wives play cribbage. Jim says he has a problem. His wife leaves the water running
Ducktail haircut back in the Fifties made you a rebel without a cause with all your friends.
Sending out an address change to a friend I haven’t seen in 50 years, I say my wife and I are moving someplace new next month
He’s always believed people of every faith can live in peace together in America no matter what happens
Farmer John knows he’s old but didn’t think he was that old until he went to town one day and met a young lady he liked as much as he likes the corn
The haberdasher has that season of the year he rids his racks, his bins of oddments. I have no season of the year
Let’s check the terminal and see what jobs might be available to match your skill set, the interviewer said. The young man
The media is brimming with reports about the legacy of Barack Obama. He’s accomplished so much it’s tough for experts to name his signature achievement.
Beautiful fall day in a potter’s field outside a small town. A funeral is underway but that doesn’t stop
Thirty years ago, long before ISIS started executing Kurds, Muslims and Christians, I hired a Pakistani Muslim as an art director in Chicago. I was an Irish Catholic editor putting out ...
I like to watch master chefs on television do their thing. My favorite is Jacques Pépin when he has to chop an onion. No one chops an onion faster.
When Bernie wakes at 6 a.m. there’s a piano on his chest and Erroll Garner’s playing “Mist… Sinatra’s on the headboard improvising lyrics
Lightning bolts in childhood can scar the soul forever. They’re a satanic baptism when the minister’s your father, mother, brother, sister,
A refugee from another country tel… people thrive on proving their bel… more than understanding one anothe… They will let a stereotype fall on… like a cheap dress as long as it f…
The widow hires four men to rip out her lovely garden. She’s too old to weed it. All the roses will go to the young bride across