I’m on my way to Larry’s Place, a food pantry in the city. I park a block away because parking in front of Larry’s isn’t wise even if one drives
The speaker is Phil Burns, owner of the brokerage firm that Owen Mitchell has had money invested with for years. Owen’s not rich and not poor. He just prefers the action of the stock ma...
Paul’s not a veteran of Vietnam but he goes there in his dreams to watch his brother Tim walk in hazy streams sprayed with Agent Orange before he
If a marriage doesn’t work out you get a divorce and look for someone else. If a poem doesn’t work out you put it in a folder and
On the table by the window balanced on its spine this leaflet butterfly open and still as a
Sometimes you sit for days sucking yourself in praying the right words will fall in your ear toboggan over the whorls
Where did it go? I really don’t know. I lost it weeks ago in the middle of the night. Too tired to get up.
I no longer put things back where they belong. I can’t remember where they came from never mind where
It’s a simple procedure I’ve done for years many times a day. You’ll go home this afternoon, take it easy over the weekend,
Jim met an old friend from college days long after both retired. They were classmates on the beautiful campus,
With a smile, the POTUS tangoes in Argentina while in Belgium and the rest of the World people try not to cry.
The amount in every paycheck has a period in it. Those who get a paycheck every week dream about seeing a comma three spaces in front of the perio…
The nice thing about crossword puz… as an obsession, Phil tells Bill,… keep you away from other obsession… that might engage your attention a… benefit no one. For example
There are a lot of people like me neither rich nor poor, idling in the middle who have never wante… for anything in our lives. We were reared by parents
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden