This brilliant winter morning find… waves of snow on every lawn and red graffiti dripping from the walls of Temple Mizpah
Freddie and Fern were an old couple, a very old couple if truth be told, but on the matter of age, the truth seldom surfaced. Their kids were grown and gone and had families of their ow...
It’s a kindergarten soccer team and Jack’s the biggest kid. His father is the coach. The team is undefeated but there’s a problem
In your mind you hear words snarling all day long but no poem arrives. The words are locked
Old Yoshiko in Tokyo can’t sleep because her husband snores so she sits in her kimono and eats a few rice cakes with a few sips of saké.
The others, of course, are more ra… but less apt to show it. Whenever I strike, I never romp o… I stand with the wrist that I’ve… from the lady locked in my teeth
It’s never what she says always how she says it and how she stands when she says it and what she says
He tried so hard to be everybody’s friend, agreed with everything we said. Some of us liked him, others were indifferent,
Standing in line behind a father and his little boy waiting to reach the register
Rose was a plain girl from a small town. She sang in the choir, never missed Bible study, left for the big city
For years Rocky’s Diner had always done a great business for breakfast and lunch but his dinner business had fallen off recently as folks moved to the suburbs, got married, died or simp...
The stench came first, the young man remembers. It was as if someone had grabbed him by the ankles, turned him upside down
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
November’s lovely in the rain, she… from her rocker near the window to no one in particular although the butler’s waiting for her groce… having walked her Pekingese.
There’s always something. Like the growth you found under your arm showering this morning but you decided to go