If the greatest of these is charit… then tell me again why it’s gauche if this young man in a booth at a bar
When a man’s young, this work is hard but it pays well and he can feed the wife and kids.
The last visitor before I sleep is always the old priest puffing up the stairs to my door, a wine cask under each arm, a loaf of pumpernickel in his teet…
When you’re a pharmacist you don’t ask customers how they’re doing. You know from the meds they pick up
Jill’s assignment as a new reporter was to interview an old bell ringer standing next to a red kettle outside a Walmart. Her editor had told her the man has been ringing the bell every ...
Wonder Woman they call Sylvia, who excels at raising money to put child abusers in prison. The money she raises allows attorneys to prosecute
As the snow swirls around them, an old man in a wheelchair uses sign language to tell another old man standing at the bus stop, “Friend,
They have a few bucks, the 62 richest billionaires in the… The Big 62 have half as much weal… as the bottom half of the world’s… according to Oxfam International.
In a life with many valleys and a few mountaintops Alvin has met many people he thought were normal and others he thought not.
Joe went to the mall yesterday and found a big tent pitched at the head of the drive. Someone selling fireworks. The sign said discounts
Were she here with me now, by the waist I would raise her, a chalice of wonder. I’d bellow hosannas and whirl her around,
For years Willie has saved his mo… investing it in stocks and bonds, waiting to sit in his recliner each quarter with a martini reviewing his profits.
A notice appeared in the paper recently with the names and faces of eight men who have a combined wealth of $426 billion. According to Oxfam International, in 2015 this would have equal...
In 1920 he came on a boat from Ireland and found his way through Ellis Island. He found a room in a boarding house
Thirty years later, Dad came back and we met for Ham and Yams at To… Pouring his tea, he told me he had to restore power once at a newspaper warehouse