Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
Many years ago Miriam’s parents took the kids for the weekend while she and Jack motored north to fish for trout in Montana at Miriam’s request.
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
She was just an old lady who lived next door. I’d wave and smile and give a nice hello but nothing more.
All that hair trapped in a braid silver to the waist Opal this morning nude in the mirror
They’ve been married 50 years and never a sorry day, Wally likes to say. Melba’s been a great wife but she’s very sick and doctors sa…
We’re all salmon swimming upstream until the job’s done. Some of us know it and some of us don’t.
Someone broke in the house the weekend the elderly couple was out of town, a family thing. The TV, the couch and computer were gone.
No youngster himself, Fred often… “There are always preludes to hell… For Fred one of those preludes is… the things in life Fred can’t fix.… Another prelude is paying the trad…
Leaves on a Japanese Maple dance auburn in the wind remind me of that mother crossing Michigan Avenue before the light changes
It used to bother me to see odd people leapfrog parking meters and shout every day is Halloween until
A drunk on the subway tells another drunk something a bartender told him. He says if the rich guy wins, it will be the first time
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
Don’t recall meeting a human being at the megastore staffed by robots in the flesh