I turn on the news to see who won the game last night but first the scores from hot spots in the city. Two people are killed
He’s a vet from Vietnam who won’t say much about what happened over there except to say his problem began with Agent Orange,
Gram tells Stella on the phone her neighborhood is full of old fo… She hasn’t seen Stella in 60 year… and won’t see her again because of the canyon of miles between the…
They’re the oldest couple my wife and I know and we’re no pups either. Peter out for a walk leans on his cane often
Pastor Homer is a jealous man and Opal gives him fits through 40 years of marriage dancing, laughing kissing other men
I sit here at peace and mind my own business and hope for a butterfly. I never take one out of the air. I paint only the flight of the but…
I’ll have to ask some preacher what if he comes when it’s inconvenient when I’m bowling or lifting a stein of lager
The hands on the atomic clock upstairs finally stopped spinning. As you know, my dear, the hands have been spinning for two weeks. This morning the clock stopped
Ringing in the ears has no cure. It’s called tinnitus and you can pronounce it the way it looks or the way
Monsanto still has problems after the carnage caused by Agent Orange. People continue to decay. Monsanto’s Roundup
Spring will eventually arrive, Tom tells his youngest daughter looking out the window at the snow… Take heart, he tells her, and listen for the blue jays when
It doesn’t matter who wins. Life will go on as it has in previous years when others have won and have taken charge.
I am sorry to hear the news. I lost it when I heard about hers and now to hear about yours. I’m livid at times, peaceful rarel… If you prefer, I won’t forward em…
An article in the paper reports something one doesn’t see happen in America very often. Eighty billionaires, millionaires and others close to that level
Fred prefers a mouse connected by a wire to his keyboard. Walt prefers a mouse that’s portable, able