When he was just a boy, they took him to the dump to scavenge, bits of metal, any food that might be eaten. When he became a man,
There are good souls who say poverty need not always be with us who say there’s a way to make it disappear
Two doves on a telephone wire wait tor the blue jays to finish e… bread put out for the birds. When the jays arrived, sparrows fled into the trees
Covey of nuns without benefit of wimple graciously attired sport coat, turtleneck, skirt scurry through the airport
After Wisconsin, we see a Trumpeter Swan swimming in circles Donal Mahoney
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,
Jesse was a common man he never made a lot of money he had a troubled marriage. His wife left him for another man he never saw his kids again.
Walt told the cops later his moods come and go like crows on the high wire above his art studio. They land in a swoop,
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
Married 60 years Fred and Daisy still are very different people. All day long they hide their differences to make
They were refugees, too, back in the Forties, settled in Chicago, learned English, some a lot, some a little,
Wonder Woman they call Sylvia, who excels at raising money to put child abusers in prison. The money she raises allows attorneys to prosecute
The police have announced the arrest of an ecumenical fellow who in less than two weeks in the middle of the night set fir… to seven churches in St. Louis.
You would think you would love a man who died for you and for everyone else, even those who will never know that he did.
There are Merry-Go-Rounds on Main Street all over America. They hide in storefronts offering payday loans to people who can’t borrow money anywhere else.