Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
It was nearly midnight and I was driving home after a long day when I realized there was no cat food in the house and I would be facing the same trio of feral cats bright and early at t...
You think it’s easy, embalming bodies in these nightmares I have every night, bodies a vulture
Virgil comes to group therapy every week in his pick-up truck with his dog, Buster, standing in the bed of the truck. The sessions are held for veterans of Korea and Vietnam. Quite a fe...
The old man crossing the street has a bad limp we try to ignore. No one wants to look
Never speak ill of the dead, his father always said, and his father was a pastor who preached from the pulpit. That’s why whenever
In our tent we hear whippoorwills happy to see dawn dismiss the night Donal Mahoney
Couples age and a sign of age is w… the husband hires someone to shove… and the wife hires a cleaning lady… Sometimes the wife doesn’t like th… and the husband doesn’t like the c…
I like to watch master chefs on television do their thing. My favorite is Jacques Pépin when he has to chop an onion. No one chops an onion faster.
Fuzzy wasn’t my cat although I fed him every morning at four o’clock for 10 years. He was my wife’s cat, loved to sit on her lap, be petted, jump down and rub his head against her feet....
If you write with a quill, ballpoint pen or typewriter, you’re a lucky soul. But if you use a computer and write far better than
Two doves on a telephone wire wait tor the blue jays to finish e… bread put out for the birds. When the jays arrived, sparrows fled into the trees
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
The Nazis call her Hilda, this ancient woman who makes a simple living in a bathroom in Berlin giving high colonics
Walter Branham, a retired teacher, and his wife Victoria went to Applebee’s, the chain restaurant, for lunch one day last week. First time they had gone there. Usually they go to an eth...