Pastor Homer is a jealous man and Opal gives him fits through 40 years of marriage dancing, laughing kissing other men
She has wanted to be Miss America since third grade when she won the… in Snow White and the Seven Dwar… Now a finalist, she has told the j… she wants to lecture at colleges o…
We’re troubled by the very rich we see only on TV and worry about the poor who sleep at night in doorways and in parks, the trul… with little more than the clothes…
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
Sarah makes sandwiches all day, piling meat and trimmings high on pillowy bread she spreads apart before her customers’ eyes. Hardworking men love her sandwiche…
I found an old friend in a cardboard box in the basement where I left him forty years ago.
The soup kitchen opens an hour late. The rain finally stops and the hungry file in. They’ve had a long wait.
It’s just a flophouse but it’s all he can afford and now it’s come to this. If he buys food he can’t pay the rent
One by one young nurses crisp in their white caps bring the old folks out crumpled in their wheelchairs from this towering building
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
In 1920 he came on a boat from Ireland and found his way through Ellis Island. He found a room in a boarding house
Wonder Woman they call Sylvia, who excels at raising money to put child abusers in prison. The money she raises allows attorneys to prosecute
Mike’s old now. His mind is somewhere in the Fifties. Every few weeks one of his kids takes
Because he works in an office and… and because she who tans anyway ha… returned from a week at the Beach, the commuters are certain she’s no… yet they rustle in their seats.
A long time ago you bothered him somehow. Since then he has bothered you back. You don’t know how or