I can’t speak for other men but as I grow older I have found listening to my wife makes life easier. So when she said we should move to a retirement community while we’re still in reaso...
Am I right or am I right, one neighbor asked the other as they walked the few blocks to vote in different primaries. Some people make a good
Joe went to the mall yesterday and found a big tent pitched at the head of the drive. Someone selling fireworks. The sign said discounts
For some nervous wrecks a pill or two might help. For others
Fred and Martha have always voted the same way since their marriage long ago but not this time and Fred wondered why Martha was voting the other way
Bill’s been seeing a therapist for years trying to get his life on track but all he talks about is his many regrets in a life
It was the first time that senators had been asked to go home and address parent-teacher meetings at all the middle schools in their states. Each had been given a sheet of talking point...
In that backyard three small trash cans had their place next to each other against the house.
Forty years Leroy was a doorman at a nice hotel in a big city. He was a country boy the day he got the job because he was tall and the uniform fit, the manager s…
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,
My boss has a problem with God or rather a problem with me because I believe in God and he doesn’t. Or so we discover
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
Where did it go? I really don’t know. I lost it weeks ago in the middle of the night. Too tired to get up.
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers
A small city on the outskirts of St. Louis has ordered Alice Hezel to pull the swamp milkweed out of her yard because the city says it’s a weed and weeds aren’t allowed in Maplewood, Mi...