a haiku
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
The longer I live the greater Mar… compared with those who have tried… The man had integrity, guts, ideas… It was heartbreaking in the Sixti… filled with hope for change in Ame…
Some things you can’t undo. A remark, perhaps, you can retract or try to with an explanation. But a certain look can burn forever in the mind
Underneath the feeder black juncos write hieroglyphics in the snow. Two cardinals arrive In a flash of red. They add
A neighbor lady I hadn’t seen in a year I heard was bedridden. Her former husband dropped by, asked if I’d to take in her trash… when I brought in my own.
A reporter asked Wilbur once if there were any advantages to being deaf and Wilbur used sign language to say not that he could think of
Far away and long ago stuff happened in Gramps’ life that he’d like to forget but he can’t, even though he can’t always remember what he had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But anything...
They are a certain way certain ladies are today no matter where they are summer, fall winter, spring even
Ten years later he still mourns the death of his friend, Bill, such a smart man he could talk to
Tonight I can’t sleep so I ponder the universe and all the planets around me swirling in syncopation with me on one of them
Please tell me if I’m right about what you just told me. You say he came to Earth, died for me, rose from the dead
First, we place the neck on the bl… and put the basket underneath the head and then make sure the bl… is sharp enough before we ask the… one more time just to be polite:
Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
He’s a chef today but Raj Patel was once a swami in another life and a mongoose twice in other lives as well. All this occurred in Bangalore
If I hadn’t died, I’d still be bouncing along in that Greyhound bus through the mountains swigging a Coke.