My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
The longer I live the greater Mar… compared with those who have tried… The man had integrity, guts, ideas… It was heartbreaking in the Sixti… filled with hope for change in Ame…
Natural Family Planning has its ups and downs so to speak but it often works quite well. But when the calendar
Some never hear of him and likely never will— pygmies in Africa, aborigines in Tasmania, the indigenous in South America.
An old guy on the subway with a lunch bucket tells a young lady with a brief case Bernie hasn’t got a chance.
Every day the same play. The moment I rise, the first act begins, the same plot
Strapped to his bed in the nursing home, he tells every nurse who comes in and tightens his straps
I love my wife and so I licked it lovingly at the very tip the ice cream cone she got me when I’d
In my all-boys school sixty years ago there were two boys who were different. All four years they walked to classes together, books
Tim’s mother told him that in 1926 she was a teen in Ireland who hid on a ship sailing to America. She had no papers when she ran awa… from her parents’ thatched-roof hu…
Where I live the press says teen use of heroin is epidemic. I thought an epidemic was a widespread disease afflicting thousands caught in
It’s outpatient surgery and she’s running late trying to catch a spider in the kitchen sink. Wants to carry it outside
There never was anyone like Ali between the ropes or facing the public. In the ring and out
If the greatest of these is charit… then tell me again why it’s gauche if this young man in a booth at a bar
In your mind you hear words snarling all day long but no poem arrives. The words are locked