Redbud and dogwood have blossomed above the tulips and jonquils wher… Alice’s house used to be. A possum and raccoon nose around where the garage was before the to…
An odd bobcat my father was looked more like a Siamese asleep in his recliner
Grandma Gretchen’s in her rocker and she has something to say. She tells a visitor, a young man from the city, if he plans to write a book about life on a farm in the Fifties, he likely...
Three are known by name, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, but there are a zillion angels, pure spirits who have no wings like those we draw on Cherubim,
“If you don’t like the gun, my dea… I can exchange it for a negligee b… I’ve given you many negligees. I think a gun’s important to have around the house
How many times have I said I’m through teasing myself, through pretending I don’t enjoy the wreath of a woman
I’m on my way to Larry’s Place, a food pantry in the city. I park a block away because parking in front of Larry’s isn’t wise even if one drives
She was just an old lady who lived next door. I’d wave and smile and give a nice hello but nothing more.
Christmas is now the Holidays. But Hanukkah is still Hanukkah and Ramadan is still Ramadan. Easter still has its name. The media needs more time
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score or so the neighbors thought
A gray summer day the sun is on vacation sunflowers hang their heads Donal Mahoney
Memories never go away. They’re visitors from yesterday arriving unannounced often to a mixed reception. Faces aren’t clear but
Strapped to his bed in the nursing home, he tells every nurse who comes in and tightens his straps
Neighbors were happy to see Fred and Opal come back for the annual block party. Old Bill asked Fred why they moved and Fred said