Thirty years later, Dad came back and we met for Ham and Yams at To… Pouring his tea, he told me he had to restore power once at a newspaper warehouse
Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
In 1920, my father, 16, was a guest of the British government. He was a prisoner of their forces occupying Ireland at the time, a group called the Black and Tans. One day he and seven o...
Some folks have a problem with aut… legitimate and otherwise, and I ha… a lifetime festering in that group… An event in youth convinced me tha… big people are no different than l…
You can learn a lot, both true and false, in a dingy all-night diner where old men gather at a table in back
Old barber shop in a neighborhood never posh now poor. A single chair with an ancient barber
Farmer John knows he’s old but didn’t think he was that old until he went to town one day and met a young lady he liked as much as he likes the corn
Lightning bolts in childhood can scar the soul forever. They’re a satanic baptism when the minister’s your father, mother, brother, sister,
After two thousand years we still have folks who blame the Jews for killing Christ even though Pilate the Gentile could have
Bill’s a conservative upset that Meals on Wheels and Medicaid face possible cuts in America’s budget. He yells to colleagues
Black lives matter in different ways to different people in the American rainbow especially bus companies
What will she do with him? That is, if she’s elected. She’ll have to take him with her to the White House after keeping him in the doghouse.
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
Tim Murnane was born to parents who lived in a small brick bungalow in a lower-middle class neighborhood in Chicago. His father worked as an electrician for Commonwealth Edison Company ...
She lives by a lake. After a heavy snow she looks out the window and sees black swans in a long, straight line