“Damn the vernal equinox! Full speed ahead!” is all that Cootie Murphy would ever say when he sat on the last stool at the end of the bar in The Stag & Doe Inn. He wouldn’t say it very ...
Dive under any skirt that floats your way, Amish or otherwise, metaphorically speaking.
After Yeats and Heaney, you wonder when the new one will come galloping out of Dublin or perhaps from yet another farm
Ten years later he still mourns the death of his friend, Bill, such a smart man he could talk to
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney
It may have been the devil himself who prompted the kids in my schoolyard back in 1947 to chant “Patsy Foley’s roly-poly from eating too much ravioli.” At first, no one could remember w...
No more nudes in Playboy according to the anchor on the Nightly News. Playboy has declared nudes passé because
How are things, Adolph? This is Brian, from NBC. Thanks for the interview. It will air in September if the network brings me back.
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
Tommy is the only man for miles around who can knot a ti… Old farmers come to town on Satur… and wave from pickups with respect when they see Tommy on the street
Sending out an address change to a friend I haven’t seen in 50 years, I say my wife and I are moving someplace new next month
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…
When I was in grammar school I knew it was Wednesday when I looked out the window and saw across the street three trash cans at the curb
And so I’ll tell old Max, and maybe he will listen, it’s time to call the plumber in and tell him,