This morning I woke up early feelin’ good, feelin’ the way I felt 50 years ago, no aches, no pains, can’t wait to shower, hop on the El, go back to work,
In 1962 my father toiled in Quinc… two weeks, no more, and saw no blacks except for two young ladies who moved like swans
Long ago you said birth and death were the bookends of life. Nothing before. Nothing after. We were saplings at the time. Since then we’ve made a lot of mon…
A neighbor lady I hadn’t seen in a year I heard was bedridden. Her former husband dropped by, asked if I’d to take in her trash… when I brought in my own.
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
Magnificent animal Harambe, the Silverback gorilla killed at t… Lovely child, the three-year-old w… jumped in Harambe’s den. The mother took her son to the zoo
The old poet has agreed to read his poems in Hanley Hall if a student will push his wheelchair on stage. Agreed. And students must agree not to ask
The blind artist paints life as he wants it to be a tranquil sky a big sun smiling everyone laughing.
In St. Louis young blacks carry guns like cell phones and use them often to shoot each other, as we read in the daily paper
Fred has been working with an agency called Hunters for the Hungry for five years. During that time, his food bank has received thousands of pounds of venison to feed the poor. This yea...
She’s been making quilts for half a century and he’s been making poems that long as well and every now and then he brings a chocolate shake to her place
I used to be flexible about meetings at work. Change the hour of a meeting, no problem for me.
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
If he were perfect he wouldn’t be Dan the Handyman, laying tile in crooked rows,
Melanie is from a small town and finds a job in a big city and meets Bill, the man she wants… marry so she calls Alice, her sist… older and married, for advice.