The beauty of gray I never noticed until the other day I saw this mockingbird, a quiet beauty in gray,
Far away and long ago stuff happened in Gramps’ life that he’d like to forget but he can’t, even though he can’t always remember what he had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But anything...
He wants to be fair to both sides because there’s an election coming soon so he tells his side every day
Jesus, can we talk? Some folks say you’re coming back any day now but many of them have been saying that for years. They say it could happen tomorrow, or maybe next week, and they’ve al...
A refugee from another country tel… people thrive on proving their bel… more than understanding one anothe… They will let a stereotype fall on… like a cheap dress as long as it f…
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
Remember, a blind man can see things a sighted man can’t… So I’ll tell you about her and th… you can tell me whether I’m right. The first time a man meets her,
Faye gives Fred next door her sister’s number to call in case Faye dies. Faye’s 94 and feels okay. Her sister’s 90 and Fred’s
If you write with a quill, ballpoint pen or typewriter, you’re a lucky soul. But if you use a computer and write far better than
Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow in February and says six more weeks of winter. That same day the first moth of spring lands on my storm door
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
Ralph never planned on dying but when he did, he was swept away like a child’s kite blown astray. When he arrived at his destination… he heard angels singing, harps pla…
There’s a football field between u… I’m in one of the end zones bellow… and you’re in the other one bawlin… the cliffs of your cheekbones streaked with mascara.
A notice appeared in the paper recently with the names and faces of eight men who have a combined wealth of $426 billion. According to Oxfam International, in 2015 this would have equal...
It’s climate change, the professor says, that’s causing all the hurricanes and floods, wildfires and tornadoes,