Decades ago a small college out in the boondocks put Ambrose, a freshman, on a Greyhound Bus to attend a student convention in New York.
Someone smart told me yesterday you never really know the meaning of a word until
Tornadoes in the parlor, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, t… churned every hour Dad was home. He never worked and with good reason.
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
Paul was at the office when the first atomic bomb fell and when Muntz TVs replaced console radios and the first man landed on the mo… He saw the first big computers tru…
For some nervous wrecks a pill or two might help. For others
Wally Anderson, father of three daughters, was not pleased after reading an email from Shelly, his eldest, a week before Father’s Day. He thought she might be coming to visit for the ho...
Dad, happy to see you’re taking a nap. I’m down at the pier so give me a shout when you wake up
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
They never held hands when they were a couple young and newly married as much in love as they were planning a wonderful life.
Tonight I can’t sleep so I ponder the universe and all the planets around me swirling in syncopation with me on one of them
A lovely neighborhood this Sunday afternoon is rocked again by random gunshots. The shots make Bertha wonder, as she sips tea in her old rocker,
He wants to be fair to both sides because there’s an election coming soon so he tells his side every day
Every time the phone rings Bill’s afraid the caller might say another childhood classmate has di… This will hit him hard because Bill knows he’s moseying along
Gramps knows a minister who collects classic Corvettes. He rents another garage whenever he buys another Corvette. He says his estate will sell the c…