The mug of tea I drank at dawn, the tea that drove me to the train needs a refill.
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
Far from the city way out in the country a hot afternoon in high summer as we drive down a bumpy road bouncing one mail box past
The others, of course, are more ra… but less apt to show it. Whenever I strike, I never romp o… I stand with the wrist that I’ve… from the lady locked in my teeth
Some women use perfume and that’s fine. Some don’t and that’s fine too. Over the years
The last visitor before I sleep is always the old priest puffing up the stairs to my door, a wine cask under each arm, a loaf of pumpernickel in his teet…
I sit here at peace and mind my own business and hope for a butterfly. I never take one out of the air. I paint only the flight of the but…
Third day on her honeymoon Sharon asks Butch what it’s like for a man before he gets married. A bricklayer by trade, and a man of few words,
If you’re a reprobate in recovery you have to be careful what you do… You’re no different than an alcoho… always in danger of falling again. At least an alcoholic has a diseas…
An article in the paper reports something one doesn’t see happen in America very often. Eighty billionaires, millionaires and others close to that level
On weekday mornings on a quiet corner three moms with small sons and daughters wait for a school bus
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
She’s not young, his wife. They’ve been together 40 years but when she gardens in her shorts and he’s lying in his hammock she’… a lovely sight to see so when she
The ones we didn’t abort we’re starting to euthanize so no worries there. It’s the ones in the middle still walking around
They’re usually poor people, sometimes considered the flotsam of society, always in the way at the grocery store,