It was nearly midnight and I was driving home after a long day when I realized there was no cat food in the house and I would be facing the same trio of feral cats bright and early at t...
He publishes poems by writers who find no publishers elsewhere. They suffer rejection and he gives them hope.
We worry so much because we’re nice people. We want to find a way to feed the poor house the poor
A spelunker he was from adolescence on. An outdoorsman with the best equipment exploring caves
It’s not Clyde who sleeps in a different doorway every night to avoid the cops and it’s not Wayne who sleeps in the
World War II was over but still fresh in the minds of folks who li… in Bill’s hometown in the Ozarks. Independence Day was important. It called for a celebration.
It was stupid of Walt not to show it to Joan before they got married but he was too shy. He had no idea
A drunk on the subway tells another drunk something a bartender told him. He says if the rich guy wins, it will be the first time
Jack Bogan died last week, the la… of the Whippets, a garage band big in a small way back in the Sixties… The Whippets had a following in Chicago and its suburbs.
Six men were sitting at the table in the Day Room, as they call it, at the Whitehall Rest Home. They were playing poker and they had a newcomer in their midst. It was Bill, a retired fa...
I have a new email address. Old one may work for awhile but like life, it can stop at any time… One problem so far. This new address sends emails
Reunions can happen and leave you speechless. I’m standing at a bank of elevators in a hospital going to visit my wife
Let me be a star and shine in places darkness dwells or let me be a bell and ring in places
Years ago Rodney King, after his beating in LA, softly asked America, “People, can we all just get along? Can we stop
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney