David Owen Ehlen

Bless Me and Forgive My Sins

We are, each and every one of us, broken and marred
Souls of glass, with edges new and sharp or old and worn
Each nick, scratch, and winding crack an indelible, unrepairable mark on our being
The blank page, mocking and soothing
Reflecting back at me hopes and fears
Making me wonder what words and ways are yet to come
Pointing out, in the starkest manner, that this moment is passing
That our lives are measured not by the magnitude of their reach and scope
But by the smallest of our thoughts and deeds
I run my thumb along my own ragged edges
Not quite drawing blood
And remember the changes time has wraught.
The moments themselves are mostly lost to me, the fallen shards swept away,
While I see those around me hoarding their own history like misers
Never seeing or feeling the cuts and wounds they cause.
We don’t need to remember all our woes and triumphs
They are baggage and burdens we do not need
We need only know the changes they have made upon us.


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