Today’s world is so different all we do is rush,
Looking back on yesteryear I would think we should slow down,
The horse and buggy of our past has become the speeding vehicles of today,
I think we should slow down,
speeding trains and whistles blowing,
Cars honking and people yelling,
Even the skies are faster with fewer planes and faster jets,
One would think to slow down,
No consideration for life or love,
drugs to slow you down or speed you up,
What ever your flavor may be.
Abortions, starvation, lack of work ethics
Our way of life is crumbling
We should take a moment night or day
lay back on the ground and really look at the sky,
Pause a moment and take a breath
Life is passing.
Clear your mind for just a moment.
I think we should slow down.
Wooshing as cars go by and then a crash
Screeching brakes and piercing screams,
Then an eery silence of death and dismay.
I think we should slow down.
In the days of wood stock it was peace, love and tranquility,
Today is speed, high tempers and killing
Time to reflect as a people
Time to regroup.
Our music has changed from sweet melodies and love
To drugs and violence and hatred.
Time for a change.
Our children are aging too fast
Our elders are dying to soon.
Fast is not good and Good doesn’t come fast.
It’s time to slow down!