Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Sonnet LXIV: Ardour and Memory

The cuckoo—throb, the heartbeat of the Spring;
The rosebud’s blush that leaves it as it grows
Into the full—eyed fair unblushing rose;
The summer clouds that visit every wing
With fires of sunrise and of sunsetting;
The furtive flickering streams to light re—born
'Mid airs new—fledged and valorous lusts of morn,
While all the daughters of the daybreak sing:—
These ardour loves, and memory: and when flown
All joys, and through dark forest—boughs in flight
The wind swoops onward brandishing the light,
Even yet the rose—tree’s verdure left alone
Will flush all ruddy though the rose be gone;
With ditties and with dirges infinite.
Other works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti...
