in the name of what whispers we sing softly the final song of the end of the w… as a lullaby to each other and minor melodies pass over our l…
stuck out on a ledge with no stairs no ladder and no one to catch me
in all restaurants madness overwhelms the staff spirits break like plates
the crowd is divisive full of bickering ideologies and overstimulated thoughts of what makes us different we lose sight of the fact
there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once
i dream of a world ruled by art where the letters that come in the mail are written in fingerpaints and tornado sirens sound off to th…
she always turns a light on when she thinks of me checks under the bed to see if i left behind a kiss
we are all worth more than the bread crumbs they throw u… minimum wages
the fast foot of gloom quick through labyrinths of joy always catches up
this shirt screams “i’m not still fucked up from last…
tired of her obsessions insatiable outbursts of self dragging her around angst smothered mornings culminating into nightly carnivals…
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
when she doesn’t love you the guts are pulled out from insid… life spills from the bones and your heart forgets to beat you become a ghost
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul