if ever he drowns a swimmer will miss water life regrets no death
i was born in a basket of apples out of place from the start always berated by questions like “where is your stem?” “why are you so round?”
You have found me smothered in a shadow. You have stumbled up a child; one whom carries storm clouds arou…
(a) his job (b) his home (c) his girl (d) his mind (e) his life
i don’t ever want to rest in peace and i certainly don’t want any of… resting in peace some of us grew up listening to pu… and speed metal
illuminated with the yellowish-ora… parked alone now waiting to be driven away by the last man at the office dedicated to his job
i walk like an appetizer onto the moonlight tongue the wine is in my blood
i wanted to vote but looking at the ballot i wondered “for what?”
dawn is a coffin stars take their graves in morning come night, resurrect
right at that age where she is lea… like a cynical fox taking guarded… in the forest still looks for someone she doesn’… but knows it is because she believ…
our savings accounts cry out for m… but we only have so much to give coins jingling away in the pocket a few dirty fives in the wallet the shelves are in need of grocery
i was 24 riding the Amtrak for the first ti… with a six hour layover in downtow… i left the station looking for a s… but before i found anything resemb…
now when I say “forever” I don’t mean too
time reduced to ash all the clocks were made of fire burning each second
i think of drinking with the moon but Li Po already did that hundreds of years ago among the petals of China i think of walking alone into a di…