she heard him crying before the knock at the door two cops with bad news
there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you
some nights I talk to them because i have no pets and i am alone i make promises “tomorrow we will go for a walk”
the only boss i care to listen to on Labor Day
Deep in The Milky Way they will meet again. Reflections, and shadows. Never-ending satellites crashing into never-ending stars.
the broom disdains fate sweeping destinies away our futures of dust
a man must find his way to live in the world a poet must find his way to let the world live
sobering up is a lot like waking up you don’t really remember your dre… but you know they were more exciti… than this
Sweet undying moon, I offer you my song. With the stars in tune, heartfelt, i will croon to you the whole night long.
a man who tries to possess the moo… would understandably be called arrogant a man who tries to possess the sun would rightfully be told he was
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
“An unexamined life is not worth l… —Socrates “Suicide’s an alternative.” —Mike Muir humanity is the unwiped
the songs that have been played as it’s neck was tickled and it’s belly was rubbed those at the pawn shop have nightm… of too much Beatles
dreams need their distance she learned from burnt fingertips do not touch the stars