at odds with the sky I have rid myself of every feather and with my beak i have chewed off… of my wings if i am to see my dreams die
what she says has gravity a truth that pulls you closer to t… brings your feet to meet the earth… in your own shoes and see that the toe is starting t…
now when I say “forever” I don’t mean too
when you don’t know for as long as i haven’t known you start to get used to it you don’t worry so much about solv…
the darker the room the more I needed her she was scented with tobacco and cedar
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
THE ARTIST constantly trying to get somewhere he
Women were placed at the flames, accused of witchcraft, and the smoke of murder rose to the heavens. Man’s ignorant spirit bursting up to the gods, as if they didn’t already know how vi...
if you alone hold me as i battle for last breat… if you alone bear the burden of the body left b… if there is no one else in the roo…
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
it misses the way we use to sit and breathe together inhaling and exhaling
you only get so many nights like t… where the streetlights become tiny… she picks you up at your place for… and introduces you to Joy Divisio… blacklight and 80's retro music
you lose your breath when the fist hits your gut you lose your mind when you love a woman you lose your keys
on a good day a poem is just a death threat to e… on a bad day it is a love letter
the first line wrapped itself arou… a quickly tightened noose to take his breath away a second stanza slashed down his w… like a cold razor blade of verse