a leaf hoped that the branch would be strong but they were both born from an ol… and those dying roots could only h… until there was no choice
I like to pretend in alternate uni… where everything is almost the sam… just different in a few spots under another sun the two of us worked
let’s say you’re trying to go somewhere who isn’t? but let’s say you never get there
every drum in the world pales to the bang the crash the beat of her
tears glisten like distant stars unreachable galaxies alone in the quiet of space dead planets remind him of his gra…
i almost did not make it to this p… i was stuck in the glory of old verses cadavers un-buried and admired like trophies
all of my weary and all of my woe is made into perfect sense a common thread in my favorite son… familiar tones of sadness the beauty of malaise
dawn is a coffin stars take their graves in morning come night, resurrect
it was the hottest new spot on the east side of course and of course
You have found me smothered in a shadow. You have stumbled up a child; one whom carries storm clouds arou…
quick to lock ourselves in a prison cell of arrogance incarcerated by our own egos freedom can not happen until we reach through the bars
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once
the anticipation was staggering be… rifling through the closet for tha… a faded Misfits tee and my black leather jacket but the shows were always a disapp…
Deep in The Milky Way they will meet again. Reflections, and shadows. Never-ending satellites crashing into never-ending stars.