there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
seven years ago almost home coming over the bridge from a show in The Windy City we hit the ice
i drag this carriage with a whip at my back slowly leading them to their destinations to their privileges
i have to take my fair share of th… loved this song from the moment i heard it and shouldn’t be surprised that she loved it too
slippery bars make it hard to hold… captive against your will always lathered in the sweat of es… you elude any sentence
if you’ve show up to the poetry re… with no poems to read you better worry because you can’t go on stage with… so start looking for an exit
going out for Golden Gloves when i was a teenager i trained as hard as anyone paid close attention to the scienc… my coach
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
i entered into my junior high poet… with such a sense of excitement to share the craft that i had disc… just a couple years earlier a craft that my gramma had
the crowd is divisive full of bickering ideologies and overstimulated thoughts of what makes us different we lose sight of the fact
when she doesn’t love you the guts are pulled out from insid… life spills from the bones and your heart forgets to beat you become a ghost
sometimes a vampire wants to see t… but people of the village keep his… chained shut with garlic they wear crosses around their nec… so that if he ever does get out
decorated in soft skin vines of fire drape around her fireproof face my eyes kneel in worship of a goddess passing by