i was 24 riding the Amtrak for the first ti… with a six hour layover in downtow… i left the station looking for a s… but before i found anything resemb…
what I love about this country is the jazz and the blues and
if the fairy spreads her thighs for the goblins finger the happy ending never comes even if she does
the lavish liberty of lust unbound in the salacity of self a lover may take too long or doesn’t take long enough a lover may manipulate you
isolated Sunday bicycle rides tend to compel long winded speeche… character dialogues from stories i… and plenty of l’esprit d’escalier i speak with the dead
for wars not fought and battles not waged axes that fell from the hands of warriors
tire takes the pirate seeking lost treasures of sleep sails into goodnight
the blade has always been dull how it was made never
it was never my intention to clip… i was only trying to take a feathe… so that i would have something to… after you flew away
do not weep when the bird flies aw… from your window sill be grateful that it ever landed th… even if just for a moment
it was a particularly long day walking around in the Austin heat with too much on my mind i’d avoided the drink though it seemed to call for me fr…
the songs that have been played as it’s neck was tickled and it’s belly was rubbed those at the pawn shop have nightm… of too much Beatles
she always turns a light on when she thinks of me checks under the bed to see if i left behind a kiss
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
misgivings of tide familiar qualm of the sea home where we are lost