there she was again in my dreams last night perhaps it is faulty programming a virus or malware but for whatever reason
The ghosts will be waiting for me when I open the door, remove my work boots and grab a Diet Dr. Pepper from t… They will be snickering as I fill…
when she doesn’t love you the guts are pulled out from insid… life spills from the bones and your heart forgets to beat you become a ghost
when his jam comes on one second in an electric burst hits his gut he pulls his shoulders upright bites the left side of his bottom…
incredible love making will turn wolves into pups bears, cubs again and icy hearts melt to a puddle
we fly down the highway looking for the next bar open on C… we each do a line and head on in flirt with lonely girls and take bumps in the bathroom
to have this moment back years from now as i recollect on this poem on this night it’s insignificance shattered with…
Charles with his typewriter and bottles a bluebird held hostage in his hea… all the women he wanted all the jobs he didn’t
Tricia Wozniak went missing on No… 1987 walking home from Arey Elementary first there were signs all over town
sometimes the butterfly is afraid to leave the cocoon that its wings are too bright that it might be shunned by caterpillars
brief landings never fool me my thoughts are made of tornadoes and I know the mind will never sit… “where the heart is” is the name of a bullshit map
it was never my intention to clip… i was only trying to take a feathe… so that i would have something to… after you flew away
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright
i entered into my junior high poet… with such a sense of excitement to share the craft that i had disc… just a couple years earlier a craft that my gramma had
in one kiss four lips translate all the languages of the world into a story none of us understand