i know that you miss me we were happy together and i don’t ever want you to forget i want to always be there
to the deepest thirst a drop of water looks like a rains… over a rushing river lips moisten with hope and the heart drowns with sheer re…
it misses the way we use to sit and breathe together inhaling and exhaling
visceral were the nights we stood… each of us armed with an instrumen… and hearts that beat like tempos we put on a show but we weren’t put-ons
everyone’s eyes are filled with what could have been some girls are alone others accompanied by lovers all waiting for their names to be…
sometimes the butterfly is afraid to leave the cocoon that its wings are too bright that it might be shunned by caterpillars
where every man has gone before and i don’t think i’ll be too far… but still it’s too bad that we couldn’t make… it’s too bad that we ever fell fro…
Fruit Vendors a man with a cart of oranges on th… sells them with acclaim for their… sweet citrus that excites the tong… for a moment of pleasure
he remembers the grapes as they would vine through his blo… like galaxies looking for a home welcomed with a kiss from his alwa… stars tickled his heart
some nights I talk to them because i have no pets and i am alone i make promises “tomorrow we will go for a walk”
plenty more on that beautiful head of hers she’ll never even know it’s missing
my knee is there if i need to bend my leg my knee is not there for me to beg if you place an empty plate in fro…
streets become narrow and sidewalks vanish layers are important heavy socks and the right pair of boots
it is not often that i think of peace or of the soldier i believe war is inevitable
The ghosts will be waiting for me when I open the door, remove my work boots and grab a Diet Dr. Pepper from t… They will be snickering as I fill…