loading the chamber to kill that which he fears most one round will suffice
you only get so many nights like t… where the streetlights become tiny… she picks you up at your place for… and introduces you to Joy Divisio… blacklight and 80's retro music
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
splendid bit of glee response of a mind tickled nothing like a laugh
dying to stay in tune they rattle eagerly to play one last song
You have found me smothered in a shadow. You have stumbled up a child; one whom carries storm clouds arou…
i didn’t call her because i felt like being alone and celebratory sex wasn’t going t… to validate another year of suffer… another notch in the belt
i know that you miss me we were happy together and i don’t ever want you to forget i want to always be there
coiled in a moment of wonder to ponder the venom of his existen… remembering every instance that he prepared himself to strike with no recollection of hatching
Tricia Wozniak went missing on No… 1987 walking home from Arey Elementary first there were signs all over town
it’s okay if you want to stay insi… listen to a Bon Iver song on repe… eat too much ice cream and think about all the girls that got away
notebooks have been stacked in pre… filled with short stories bad drawings and of course
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
THE ARTIST constantly trying to get somewhere he
avoiding cocoons pride is the caterpillar that shuns butterflies