desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
it destroys the essence of the poe… stricken with the stink of human no art can cover the foul odor generic mac&cheese flatulated
disregarded flesh from abattoir to your plate feeding dominion
it misses the way we use to sit and breathe together inhaling and exhaling
he left behind a loving wife three children many close friends and the best damn dog this side of… sadly
bills soaring like birds costs of living get higher income, falls from nest
i thought that god was playing hide and go seek with me but it was just
going out for Golden Gloves when i was a teenager i trained as hard as anyone paid close attention to the scienc… my coach
the best shelf in town bartenders driving the drunks home
squandered precious gifts laid down for worthless fortunes when men turn soldier
apologies were often on the wind before her lips but when a girl’s got those big be… well
the crowd is divisive full of bickering ideologies and overstimulated thoughts of what makes us different we lose sight of the fact
with the lamplight at my back it feels like someone else is ther… my ears are full of wax and ghosts everything i hear is haunted headphones plugged into a headston…
when the rest of the world seemed… and the invisibility of god was to… i turned to a puppet a stuffed brown dog i had named Gr… i confided in him earnestly
they’ve never looked as deeply as… into the centers of your alluring and final eyes they’ve never watched you dance slowly and dark like the end…