plenty more on that beautiful head of hers she’ll never even know it’s missing
dreams need their distance she learned from burnt fingertips do not touch the stars
every drum in the world pales to the bang the crash the beat of her
for wars not fought and battles not waged axes that fell from the hands of warriors
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright
it destroys the essence of the poe… stricken with the stink of human no art can cover the foul odor generic mac&cheese flatulated
when you don’t know for as long as i haven’t known you start to get used to it you don’t worry so much about solv…
after a day surrounded by philisti… a not yet broken poet takes refuge in the familiar peace of desolatio… echoing quietly through two small… years ago this song came to him
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
i followed the pigeons to Gordon park just to hear them coo their electric feathers alive in the sun
we fly down the highway looking for the next bar open on C… we each do a line and head on in flirt with lonely girls and take bumps in the bathroom
dying to stay in tune they rattle eagerly to play one last song
youth in his favor with young wome… a whole world ahead of him but the silly son of a bitch doesn… instead of seizing the day he spends his time obsessing over…
thoughts on the police not that they are the bad guys they just work for them
i expose myself a show boat and a show pony i suppose myself a poet