he burns through the keys in hopes to unlock himself with freedom of song
it’s there when nothing else is but the radio and a near crippling… it climbs around on the walls and… hissing like a poisonous lizard th… you cut the tips of your fingers a…
dear deity as the world continues to fall apa… in my heart it is clear to me that you do not hear me that you do not fear for me
she dances like a fool at the idio… gracelessly fueled by cocktails and
i would never get my bar back so i went back waiting outside the entrance for m… to stop myself
tears glisten like distant stars unreachable galaxies alone in the quiet of space dead planets remind him of his gra…
if you dream me dream me without these horns without scorn back beside the lord
in the final moments of dusk you r… a last grab at redemption to no possible avail toward a jury of stars and the judgement of the moon
now when I say “forever” I don’t mean too
what happened to it? pen with which he wrote the note ink of his last words
Fruit Vendors a man with a cart of oranges on th… sells them with acclaim for their… sweet citrus that excites the tong… for a moment of pleasure
tailored finely to be worn proudly on the dance floor on the moon over top-shelf martinis over the rainbow
two mountains hanker to reach across the valley always between them
a foot wants the ground take each step with gratitude to walk is to live
when she doesn’t love you the guts are pulled out from insid… life spills from the bones and your heart forgets to beat you become a ghost