Dan Barnes

When You’re not There

For Bre

When you’re not there I am walking through the streets I catch a scent of you and it stops me in my tracks, I find myself closing my eyes and taking it in realizing where I recognize it and looking around for you.
When you’re not there I lay asleep in the dark of the night in the bed we shared, I feel you move and I roll toward you to hold you and kiss your shoulder only to find myself alone. I lay there alone missing your warmth.
When you’re not there I walk through the warehouse where we began to know each other, I think I hear you yell out my name like you did so many times just to stop me so you could laugh; I miss the sound of that.
When you’re not there I think I hear my phone give me a text alert and I get excited thinking it is you, but there is no text and my heart sinks remembering how much I love reading your quirky messages.
When you’re not there I think that I hear the word baby muttered behind me and it sends chills down my spine and as I turn to smile at you you’re not there, and I realize how much I love when you call me that.
When you’re not there I whisper to the wind “I love you” in hopes that the wind will carry it to you so that you could hear me whisper it to you as I have done so many times as you sleep.
When you’re not here I stay busy to keep my mind from playing all of these tricks on me, reminding me of just how much I value your presence, how much I miss you, how much I have grown accustomed to you being right there for all of those scenarios, and how much all of those little things mean so much to me.


"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory"

I love this quote, it is so powerful.

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