Dan Barnes

The Seasons Change

To Bre

As the leaves outside are starting to fall,
I drift into thoughts about it all.
The way seasons have changed,
in the same manner as feelings have rearranged.
It started so casual and easy,
like those spring days so warm and breezy.
How things heated up without pretense,
like a summers day under the sun so intense.
How things now seem to be cooling down,
How your attention feels spread around.
I watch the color change on the leaves,
a changing in you is what I perceive.
I still feel summer for you,
I can only hope that you feel it too.
Or, are we facing a cold spell,
Is winter settling in on us it’s hard to tell.
I feel the refreshing spring breeze when I look at you,
I feel the warm summer sun rays when I touch you.
I step outside to feel the chill in the air,
I think of new ways to show how much I care.
In my mind I wrap myself in the hopes of what could be,
it’s enough to keep the warmth within me.
The change of seasons we cannot elude,
I hope that you have felt wooed.
For with you I did fall in love,
And that is what I have done my best to prove.
As I watch the leaves fall from the trees,
I realize how much you beauty has brought me to my knees.


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